Ubuntu kinetic から noble へ

Ubuntu kinetic からnoble
うっかりで kinetic のサーバをいくつか抱えていて、気付いた時に上げるようにしているんだけど毎度やり方を忘れるのでメモ
Modify your current /etc/apt/sources.list and replace the urls starting with http://archive... by http://old-releases
Once done, execute sudo apt update then sudo apt upgrade and sudo apt dist-upgrade
Then reboot
Modify the /etc/apt/sources.list and put back archive instead of old-releases
Modify the /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all occurences of kinetic by lunar
Then perform sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade and sudo apt dist-upgrade. This will ensure that you upraded to 23.04
Then reboot
Then do a sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade to 23.10
これで lunar にあげたら mantic に同様にあげて、やっと noble の世界にやってこれる